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Kelly Moran

January 4 - 25, Gallery Walk Jan. 18, 2014

Ken Little

February 1 - 22, Gallery Walk Feb. 22, 2014

George O. Jackson

March 1 - 29, Gallery Walk Mar. 15, 2014

Ann Harithas

May 3 - 31, Gallery Walk May 3, 2014

Bob Schneider

June 7 - July 26, Gallery Walk June 12, 2014

40 works 11 artists (group)

August 2 -30, 2014

Introducing Elizabeth Fox with works by gallery artists

William Cokeley

September 6 - 27, 2014


October 4 - 30, 2014

"Some artists journey within the confines of their canvas or selected media while others leave us with the evidence of their journeys  outside the studio in the communities where they live and work."

Robert Briddick

Nov. 8 -29, 2014

Erika Pochybova Johnson

December 6 - 27, 2014

Chech born painter presents a first ever exhibition of abstractions departing from her "dot painting" and well know figurative works.

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selected exhibitions from  d. m. allison in 2014

 d. m. allison / / 346.401.7900 / 4414 Yupon St. / Ste. 3 / Houston TX 77006 

Houston art advisor working with collectors, building significant value, through evaluation, selection, and thoughtful presentation.

collection & document archiving / data management / research & estimates / photography / art services / fun

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