Bill Frazier /

"The language of landscape as it appears in painting, sculpture and
photography has been a preoccupation of mine for over four decades. These works are some of the more recent explorations. They combine layers and types of imagery the way a writer might use vocabulary. The paintings present a disjointed narrative about our shared cultural distance between landscape and nature." Bill Frazier
Born: New Orleans, 1952
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston FotoFest, Houston
Accenture, Dallas
2014: UHCL Juried Exhibition – First Prize
1987: Mid-America Arts Alliance/National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship
1986: Houston Center for Photography Fellowship
2015: The View from Here, The Jung Center, Houston
2007: Buchanan Gallery, Galveston
2004: Gallery 549, Lafayette, Louisiana
1999: Buchanan Gallery, Galveston
1995: West End Gallery, Houston
1994: Sally Sprout Gallery, Houston
1990: University of Nevada, Reno
1989: University of Colorado, Boulder
Southern Light Gallery, Amarillo College
2014: UH Clear Lake
2011: San Jacinto College: Faculty Exhibition
2009: 20th Anniversary Show, Buchanan Gallery, Houston
2008: Collage: More or Less, Williams Tower Gallery, Houston
Gordon Pass Gallery, Naples, Florida
Peltier Gallery, Columbia, South Carolina
2007: New American Paintings #72 (Western edition) Open Studios Press
2006: Texas Art Celebration, The Assistance League, Houston: Williams Tower Gallery
2003: Conduit Gallery, Dallas – Projects Room
2000: Houston Area Exhibition, Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston (catalog)
Gallery 549, Lafayette, Louisiana
1999: Small Works, Buchanan Gallery, Galveston
Is This a Joke or What? Feminism and Humor in Contemporary Art, HWCA, Houston
1998: Oil Patch Dreams: Images of the Petroleum Industry, Art Museum of Southeast Texas,
Beaumont (traveling exhibit & catalog)
1996: The Bird Show, West End Gallery, Houston
1995: Camera/Canvas, Kilgore College, Kilgore, Texas
Open Studios, Lawndale Art and Performance Center, Houston
1994: Anonymous – Works of Undeclared Origin, West End Gallery, Houston
1993: Faculty Exhibition, San Jacinto College, Houston
1992: Political Issues, Small Works Gallery, University of Houston
Fantastic Voyages, Houston Center for Photography and Galveston Arts Center
Houston Area Exhibition, Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston
1991: The War Show, Fountain Head Gallery, Houston
30 Photographers, D-Art Center, Dallas
1989: Visions/Discourses, Brookhaven College, Dallas
1988: M-AAA/NEA Award Winners Exhibition, Mois de la Foto, WICE, Paris (catalog)
1987: 1986 Fellowship Winner’s Exhibition, Houston Center for Photography
Tender Visions, Transco Energy Company Gallery, Houston
1986: The Texas Time Machine, Cullen Center, Houston (catalog)
Faculty Exhibition, Blaffer Gallery, University of Houston
1985: Houston Photographers from the Permanent Collection, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
New Faces, Allen Street Gallery, Dallas
MFA Qualifying Exhibition, University of Houston

2012, acrylic on canvas, 30"x 24" $1600

2014, acrylic, charcoal, on canvas, 72"x48" $3600

2014-15 acrylic, charcoal, and, conte, on canvas, 60"x 42" $2800

2012-2013, acrylic,and charcoal on canvas, 54"x 42" $2400

2015, acrylic and, charcoal on canvas, 30"x 36" $1200

2015, acrylic, charcoal and sanguine on canvas, 42"x 60" $2800

2013-2014, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 72"x 48" $3600

2015, acrylic and charcoal on canvass, 54"x 42" $2400

2008-20011, acrylic on canvass, 18"x 48" $1200

2008, acrylic, canvas, 3 pieces, vertical tryptich, 40"x 36" $2400

2015, acrylic, and, charcoal on canvas, 72"x 48" $3600

2011-2012, acrylic and charcoal on canvas, 42"x 52" $2400
Blaffer Gallery. Houston Area Exhibition 2000 catalog. (repro: Looking for Connections, p. 22)
Blaffer Gallery. Houston Area Exhibition 1992 catalog. (repro: Dish, p. 15)
CAMERA AUSTRIA. Summer 1992, Portfolio. (repro: Grainstacks: Early Morning Light)
Carraro, Francine. Oil Patch Dreams: Images of the Petroleum Industry. Art Museum of Southeast Texas, Beaumont. 1998 (repro: Caution Pipeline)
“Critic’s Choice.” Houston Post, 9 August 1985 (repro: Souvenir’s from Extinct Civilizations:
Pont du Gard)
Hirsch, Robert. Exploring Color Photography (Dubuque: Wm C Brown, 1992)
(repro: Souvenirs from Extinct Civilizations: Canyon de Chelly, p. 214)
Houston Press: Press Picks, 25 May 1995, p. 19. (repro: Home Maker)
Houston Press: Symbolic Landscapes and Highly-Detailed Oils offer Different Looks At Nature; by Susie Tommaney – Tuesday September 8. – online edition (reproduction: Spring Thaw, 2015)
Johnson, Patricia “Transco Show Features Items in New Contexts.” Houston Chronicle, 9 August 1985. (repro: Souvenirs from Extinct Civilizations-Olmec Monument)
Kutner, Janet. “Off Beat Views of Texas History.” Dallas Morning News 8 July 1986.
New American Paintings # 72: Open Studios Press – Juried Exhibition in Print
(reproductions: Picnic, p. 60; Escalating Rhetoric, p. 61; Night Hawk, p. 62
1985: MFA, University of Houston
1982: MA in Art History, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
1974: BFA in Painting, Southern Methodist University, Dallas
Professor of Art 1990-present
San Jacinto College, Houston
Visiting Assistant Professor 1989-90
University of Houston Art Department
Affiliate Artist (adjunct faculty) 1986-89 & 1990-1996
University of Houston Art Department
Consultant (adjunct faculty) 1985-1989
High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Houston