selected exhibitions from d. m. allison in 2013

Jesse Lott
Dec. 5 - Dec. 28, Gallery Walk Dec. 7, 2013 Preview Thursday Dec. 5, 6 to 8 PM Reception for the artist, Saturday Dec. 7, 6 to 8 PM
"When a pebble hits a pool, it starts a wave that covers the whole pool. The pebble is the concept. An artist puts out a concept and the concept changes the consciousness of the viewer, leading to a positive change in the pattern of his activity." Jesse Lott

Robert Briddick "Free Association"
preview Thursday, Nov. 21 6 to 8 PM - Opening reception Sat. Nov. 23, 6 to 8 PM
Bob Briddick's work from the pastthree decades is no longer hidden away. His extensive series of collages premiered with over 150 selected pieces on view at d. m. allison in November 2012. Briddick's eye for aesthetics and sense of humorshine through in his ongoing practice.

Louviere & Vanessa
Oct.19 - Nov. 16, Gallery Walk October 19, 2013, Preview Thursday Oct. 17, 6 to 8 PM, Reception for the artists, Saturday Oct. 19, 6 to 8 PM
The New Orleans-based duo of Jeff Louviere and Vanessa Brown are photographers by means of their affection for the medium and their penchant for being so scientifically creative. They succeed in reintroducing photography. Known dually as Louviere+Vanessa, these artists employ experimental techniques that recall a more intimate and less synthetic past.

Charles Hutson auction
Preview Thursday Oct. 3, 6 to 8 PM, Auction and reception Saturday Oct. 5, 6 to 8 PM on view through Oct. 12, 2013
born in 1840 in McPhersonville, S. C. His ancestors on both sides were Colonial settlers. He was a man of letters, of wide experience in life and culture. His flow of creative energy, continuous all bis life, brought him at the age of sixty-five to painting. While such an age is almost the end for many, for Hutson it was but a new beginning, for he was to paint steadily for thirty years to the end of his long and full life.

Randall Reid
September Preview Wed. Sept 4, opening reception Sat. Sept 7, This exhibition continues through Sept. 28 - Gallery Walk Sept. 7, 2013
Randall Reid creatsan architecture of dreams and visions, little glimpses into the imagination, little forays into the psyche. He allows us, the viewers, to complete the sentence, to provide the denouement, to finish the dream. Reid is a subtle colorist who manages to be bold. He is a formalist who avoids the formulaic. His strength is in his ability to wring every possibility out of the parameters of size and materials that he has placed on himself.

Rock Romano
August 6 - 30, 2013
Better known for his talents as one of Texas' most recognized blues players and once under contract with MCA records in the 1960's, Rock has never stopped painting since his early days at St. Thomas University when Dominique and John De Menil first collected his visual works and placed the young artist in his first group show at Houston's legendary Louisiana gallery.

Jenny Meyer
Arts Houston, July 6 - 27 - Gallery Walk July 13, 2013
Meyer has honed her skill set and now creates bodies of work drawn from current culture, using drawing, collage and painting as her chosen mediums.

Tracye Wear
June 1 - 29th - gallery walk June 1, 2013
Wear makes an almost complete transition form her noted ceramic works and the three dimensional pieces found in recent exhibitions, and comes to rest on a platform built upon the encaustic process also known as hot wax painting.

Tuyet Ong-Barr
May 4 - 25, 2013
originally from Vietnam, On-Barr lived in Paris, before moving to Houston where she now lives and works. Her abstract paintings on canvas and paper are colorful, energetic and bold.

Kelly Alison "Pick Your Poison"
April 6 - 27, gallery walk April 27, 2013
The show is a continuation of recent work which alludes to the story of man's folly, absurdity and the helplessness in our efforts to escape it. In this effort there is an attempt to see the humor in things.

March 20 - 30 Gallery Walk March 23, 2013
NCECA curated by Tracye Wear & Judith Freedman

Brad Moody
March 3 - 16, 2013
Brad Moody (B. Moody Art) "Welcome to Cotton County" A strong proponent of art as narrative, the paintings are known for their energy and intensity with a decidedly raw, outsider edge.

Marzia Faggin "Dissatisfaction"
February 16 - March 2, Gallery Walk Feb. 16, 2013
"Fragile" opened at Nau-haus in September 2011. Her current exhibition "Dissatisfaction" follows at d. m. allison not so much as a sequel but perhaps as a conclusion with works in photo realistic, life size, cast and painted plaster (Hydrocal), working with the themes of addiction and human frailty.

Marci Harnden "Imagine"
January 5- Feb. 9, Gallery Walk Jan. 12, 2013
Harnden works her paintings between the subtle shift that bridges abstraction and realism in this latest offering at d. m. allison art on Colquitt. Harnden's work is gestural and layered mark making, while she alludes to the physical manipulation and interplay of mirage and illusion.