Deborah Bay /
Deborah Bay is an American artist who specializes in tabletop and constructed photography, creating enigmatic in-camera images as well as digital composites. She often abstracts reality through color manipulation, slow shutter speed and a macro lens. The British Journal of Photography has featured her work on its cover, and her images have appeared in a variety of international publications. She exhibits nationally and is represented by Wall Space Gallery in Santa Barbara, California. Her work is in the collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art at State University of New York at New Paltz. She lives in Houston, Texas, and holds graduate and undergraduate degrees from The University of Texas at Austin.
Note Frome the Gallery:
Sublimation printing on aluminum, various dimensions, variant impressions, and values:
Works are available in 20"x 16", 24"x 36", and 36"x 48" sizes, price points from $1200 to $3600. Works are also available in larger formats on request. Each work in various sizes is included in the numbered edition sequentially with the designations 1/10 VAR, 2/10 VAR, etc. Please contact the gallery at for pricing and more information.
Houston Press, March 2016, Susie Tommany
Left brain meets right brain at d.m. allison gallery in the mysterious micro-worlds of Deborah Bay, where the fine art photographer has played with scale and forced perspective to create mystical environments for her characters. In “Cyberia,” her one-inch-tall model railroad figures appear large as seen through the macro lens, where printed circuit boards become walls, the prongs of an integrated circuit serve as fencing and split wires morph into trees.
As we all rush out to buy the next big thing, we leave in our wake a sea of obsolete electronics, televisions and beta devices. Bay harvested the inner workings of computers, telephones and monitors and constructed what she calls “Cyberian cityscapes” in her miniature tabletop worlds.
Wired Magazine:
"Much of Bay’s work is conceptual and this is not the first time she’s created a project that involves a bit of social analysis. In an earlier project called Fringes of Cyberia, Bay shot miniature figurines wandering around old circuit boards (selections from the series are included at the end of the gallery above). In that project she uses the upright parts of the circuit boards to create a type of dystopian architecture and plays off the world of technology named in the series’ title." Wired Magazine, Jakob Schiller, April 2012
read more here, Jokob Schiller, Wired Magazine
"Big Bang" series:
Bullets and photographs at the Griffin,
Boston Globe, By Mark Feeney, JANUARY 25, 2016
" ....The photographs in Deborah Bay’s “The Big Bang” are also in color — spectacularly so. The procedure Bay uses is simple, if also a bit shocking. She has police officers fire a weapon into plexiglass and then photographs the results. They vary greatly depending on the weapon ..."
read more about Deborah Bay's Balistic series here Boston Globe article, Jan. 2016
Houston artist captures the aftermath of a bullet's path: By Craig Hlavaty Published 4:06 pm, Thursday, January 30, 2014
Deborah Bay's series of stills of sheets of Plexiglass impacted by bullets shows the terrific force and unique patterns that come from everything from a 9mm round to a shotgun slug.
"The Big Bang" collection will be at the wall space gallery in Santa Barbara, Calif., during February and March before moving onto Texas Tech's SRO Photo Gallery in Lubbock from March 31 until May 11.
read more about Deborah Bay's "Big Bang: series here in the Houston Chronicle Jan. 2014
"Big Bang" Aker Imaging Gallery, May 2016, Houston TX
"Fringes of Cyberia" d. m. allison gallery, March 2016,
Houston TX
The Big Bang,” SRO Photo Gallery, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, 2014
“Internal Ballistics,” wall space gallery, Santa Barbara, California, 2014
“Cyberspaces,” Galveston Arts Center, 2008
“The Fringes of Cyberia,” Jackson Street Gallery, Richmond, Texas, 2006

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, $2400

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 36"x 48", $2400

(Big Bang series)2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series) 2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series) 2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series) 2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 36"x 48", $2400

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

(Big Bang series)2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series)2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series) 2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

(Big Bang series)2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 24"x 30" $1600

2006 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 36"x 48", $2400

2014 - 2016, sublimation print on aluminum, various dimensions, total edition of 10 variant impressions, 16"x 20", $950
29th Annual International Exhibition, The University of Texas at Tyler, 2014
Fear and Loathing,” Art Photo Index inaugural online exhibition, 2013
“Cosmos,” Art & Science Collaborations Inc., New York Hall of Science, Queens, 2013
"Caeli Tellus Unda," wall space gallery, Santa Barbara, California, 2013
Critical Mass 2012 Photolucida Touring Exhibition, 2013
“Upshot x 3,” Houston Community College Art Gallery, 2013
Photo Center Northwest, Equivalents: 17th Annual Photographic Competition Exhibition, Seattle, 2012
Philadelphia Photo Arts Center, 3rd Annual Contemporary Competition and Exhibition, 2012
Houston Center for Photography, 30th Annual Juried Membership Exhibition, 2012
“Lucky 13,” MKG Art Management, Houston, Texas, 2011
Assistance League of Houston Celebrates Texas Art 2011, Houston, Texas
Dallas Contemporary, “Click Chicks + : mostly women
photographers,” 2008Center for Photography at Woodstock, “Made in Woodstock,” 2008
The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art, State University of New York at New Paltz
Portfolio Showcase, Volume 6, Center for Fine Art Photography, 2013
Critical Mass Top 50, 2012 - Photolucida
First Place, Texas Photographic Society Members’ Only Show, 2009
Artist in Residence, Woodstock Center for Photography, September 2006