About the Artist:
ERNESTO LEON, the media activist, photographer, painter, and sculptor now living and working in Houston, Texas, is Involved in community affairs, independent media and non-commercial radio. The artist has weekly programs on Pacifica radio and Houston Media Source TV. Ernesto's work themes are about cultural resistance, anti-globalization, anti-war, and anti-imperialism, as well as environmental concerns and racial discrimination. The power of media in the hands of the people is the main subject of Leon's creative work. Mr. Leon produces art, and community media, while lecturing and exhibiting his work in exhibitions across the U.S. and abroad.
The artist’s history is expansive, having studied at the School of Art and Crafts in Madrid, Spain, the Restoration and Conservation Academy at the National University of Mexico (UNAM), and the School of Visual Arts at NYU, New York. New York City’s prominent Acquavella Gallery featured the artists work for over a decade. As an artist with 5 pieces in the collection of MOMA New York, Leon has had more than 30 years of experience with many solo shows and group exhibitions Leon’s work is included in numerous collections both public and private.
Three Venezuelans in Two Dimensions: Miguel Von Dangel, Ernesto León, and Carlos Zerpa, January 28, 1988 to April 03, 1988, New York NY, Catalog Available Here
Ernesto Leon Hardcover – On Amazon, 1998 by Enrique Viloria Vera (Author), Rafael Arraiz Lucca (Author), Joaquin Marta Sosa (Author), Jose Pulido (Author)
MFAH Archives: National Imaginaries and Cosmopolitan Identities; Recycling and Hybridity: Axel Stein, the well-known cultural agent, interviews Ernesto León (b. 1956) for an article in the catalogue for the exhibition Three Venezuelans in Two Dimensions. Miguel von Dangel. Ernesto León. Carlos Zerpa (New York: Americas Society Art Gallery, 1988). Click Here to read more or download PDF
Houston Chronicle: Tallet, Olivia P., Houston, dark and glamorous and masked, Ernesto León photographs the Orange Show Gala
Five Points Museum: http://www.fivepointsmuseum.com/opening-september-17-ernesto-leon/
Station Museum, Houston TX:
Art of Latin America, 1981-2000 By Germán Rubiano Caballero
Artnet: http://www.artnet.com/artists/ernesto-leon/
Ask Art: http://www.askart.com/artist/Ernesto_Leon/11048464/Ernesto_Leon.aspx
Invaluable: https://www.invaluable.com/artist/leon-ernesto-cop3c7mg5v
Art Price: Ernesto LEON is an artist born in Venezuela. The oldest auction result ever registered on on Art Price is for an a painting sold in 1991, at Sotheby's, and the most recent auction result is a painting sold in 2012. Artprice.com's price levels for this artist are based on 30 auction results. Especially: painting, sculpture-volume,drawing- watercolor. For more visit:
Mutual Art: https://www.mutualart.com/Results/Ernesto%20Leon/?q=Ernesto%2BLeon
ERNESTO LEON ernestoleon@comcast.net