About the Artist:
Roberta Harris was born in Passaic, New Jersey and grew up in Houston, Texas. She has lived in New York, Washington, D.C., and Santa Fe, New Mexico. She was chosen for the Independent Study Program, Whitney Museum of American Art in New York. Harris studied at Parsonʼs School of Design and Hunter College in New York. Her paintings and sculptures have been exhibited nationally and internationally and are included in numerous private and corporate collections including MTV Corporation, New York; Chase Manhattan Bank, New York; Frito-Lay Dallas, Texas; Dynegy, Houston, Texas; Compaq (Hewlett- Packard), Houston, Texas and Texas Heart Institute, Houston, Texas. Harris has instructed at Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; and the High School for the Performing and Visual Arts, Houston. She has been a visiting lecturer at the Kimbell Art Museum, Ft. Worth, Texas; Museum of Fine Arts, Santa Fe, New Mexico; Brookhaven College, Dallas, Texas; the University of Houston, Houston, Texas; the Menil Collection, Houston, Texas, and has served as an Advisory member of the Art and Architecture Panel, Texas Arts Commission; Houston Arts Festival; Cultural Arts Council of Houston and the Art League of Houston.
Harris was honored with a retrospective at the Womenʼs Museum (an affiliate of the Smithsonian Institution) in Dallas, titled ROBERTA HARRIS: “UP” 1985-2009. Harris lives and makes art in Houston, Texas.

Apple Sky, 2007, mixed media on canvas, 60”x 84”

Antenna, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Baby Eight, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Baroque Heart, 2015, acrylic, enamel on wood, 18”x 24”x 4"

Berry Red, oil on canvas, 16”x 16"

Black Birds, acrylic on canvas, 48”x 48”

Blue Birds with Gold, 2007, oil & mixed media on canvas, 60” x 48”

Bronze Birds, Miley Bird, Talley Bird, Sophie Bird, Hani Bird, and Lulu Bird, 2013 bronze and acrylic, 4"x 7"x 10" each

Bronze Birds, second view, 2013 bronze and acrylic, 4"x 7"x 10" each

Circle City, oil on canvas, 60”x 48”

Clearing, 2013, acrylic on canvas, 48”x 48”

Flight Time, 2017, oil & mixed media on canvas, 72”x 60”

Color Blocks #1, oil on canvas, 30”x 40”

Cream Rose, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Color Blocks #2, oil on canvas, 40”x 30”

Diva's Nest, 1995, oil & mixed media on canvas, 72”x 60”

Fire – Fire – Fire, mixed media on paper, 50”x 38”

Garden II, 2004, paper, 27”x 34”

Garden, acrylic on canvas, 67”x 96”

Garden Cutout IV, 2007, Paper, 32” x 41”

Garden with Vines, 2017, acrylic on canvas, 60” x 72”

Garden I, acrylic on canvas, 70”x 48”

Golden Steps, oil on canvas, 72”x 60”

Grid, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Heart Nest, 2015, acrylic & enamel on wood, 33”x 33”x 6”

Landscape with Red Squares, oil on canvas, 64”x 52”

Landscape with Red Squares, (second view) oil on canvas, 64”x 52”

Magic Stick Heart, acrylic and enamel on wood, 30”x 32”x 5

Mr. & Mrs. Triangle, 2013, oil & mixed media on canvas, 72”x 84”

Memory Shelf, oil on canvas, 72”x 60”

Moving Up with Elvis and the Bad Boys, 2013, mixed media on Paper, 50”x 38.5”

New City, mixed media on paper, 50”x 38”

Out of the Box, oil on canvas, 16”x16

Overlap, oil on canvas, 40”x 30”

Paint Sticks Steps 1, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Paint Sticks Steps 2, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Pink Steps with Birds, mixed media on paper, 50”x 38”

Process of Pleasure, mixed media on canvas, 48”x 60”

Primal Reality of Possibilities, mixed media on canvas, 20”x 60”x 3”

Red and White, oil on canvas, 60”x 72”

Red Light, 2006, oil & mixed media on canvas, 60”x 84”

Squared Up, oil on canvas, 72”x 102”

Searching, 1990, mixed media on paper, 38” x 50”

Red and Yellow Step Up, oil on canvas, 72”x 60”

Red Step Up, oil on canvas, 16”x 16”

Stick Heart with Amenities, oil and acrylic on wood, 24”x 19”x 4”

Tapestry, 2007, oil and mixed media on canvas, 60”x 48”

Welcome to the Neighborhood, 2017, watercolor on paper, 22”x 30”

We Were Strangers Too, 2017, watercolor on paper, 22” x 30"