Steve Davis /

About Steve Davis:
There is something very unique about the juxtaposition of what is found in nature, and what is found and man-made, occurring in the artworks of South Coast Texas artist Steve Davis. The artist presents an consistent armature constructed from sand dollars around which the adjoining man-made objects create an endless variety of tangential connections between the desirable objects Davis finds in the junks shops and antique stores along the south Texas coast and what he finds on the beaches nearby. The artist transforms his love of time-weathered stuff, and nature-weathered stuff from the beach, into art that is uniquely his own. DMA 2015
Steve Davis might begin with an object like an old wooden toolbox, a rusty metal shrimp basket or an antique metal bath tub. Then he takes his personal collection of sun-bleached seashells or sanddollars and creates intricate patterns by suspending them from the old containers using transparent fishing line. With these unique materials and techniques Davis found a slice of his creative identity that he only guessed he possessed during his 30 years owning upscale women's clothing shops in San Antonio. In that time, however, his favorite escape was always Port Aransas – where he now calls home.
In 1994 Davis gave up his San Antonio business and moved to Houston to work at a contemporary art gallery. That was a new beginning for him. "Certain artists we represented broadened my horizon," Davis said, "They made me see things from a new perspective." From that exposure he realized how he could transform his love of time-weathered stuff from the junk stores, and nature-weathered stuff from the beach into art. "I stare at containers and think about what I might do with them," Davis said. To allow the viewer as natural a response as possible he doesn't title his works other than by a simple description such as, "Shrimp Basket.”

2013 found objects and nylon filament 12x 12x 6 inches value: $950

2015 found objects and nylon filament 18x 18x 4 inches value: $1600

2015 found objects and nylon filament 12x 12 value: $850

2014 found objects and nylon filament 24x 24x 7 inches, value: $1150

2015 found objects and nylon filament 72x 72x 5 inches, value: $5500

2015 found objects and nylon filament 30x 30, value: $1600

2015 found objects and nylon filament 36x 24, value: $4200

2015 found objects and nylon filament 36x 24, value: $4200

2015 found objects and nylon filament 10x 8x 4 inches, value: $1500

2014 found objects and nylon filament 36x 36 inches, value: $4000

2015 found objects and nylon filament, 24x 18x 18 inches, value: $1950

2015, found objects and nylon filament 32x 22x 22 inches, value: $2800